Air pollution on traffic can raise blood pressure, learn how to avoid it.

 Air Pollution: Air pollution induced by traffic can raise blood pressure; protect yourself from it by traveling in these ways.


According to one study, traffic-related air pollution can contribute to high blood pressure. This effect can be as severe as consuming a high salt diet, which significantly raises the risk of heart disease. As a result, it is critical to defend against traffic-related air pollution. Learn how to protect yourself from air pollution.

  • According to a study, BP can increase due to air pollution caused by traffic.
  • It can also cause heart disease.
  • The spike caused by this is similar to the increase in BP caused by high sodium.

By Lifestyle Desk, New Delhi. Air Pollution: Who likes being stuck in traffic, not to mention the boredom of sitting in your car, along with the fear of being late for work. That's why we often try to avoid traffic.
To avoid this, either depart early or avoid high traffic periods. However, in addition to being late for work due to traffic, there may be health consequences. A recent study discovered that traffic-related air pollution can lead to elevated blood pressure.

This study from the University of Washington discovered that traffic might trigger high blood pressure, which can linger for the next 24 hours. The rise in blood pressure can be comparable to that generated by a heavy salt diet. This may lead to heart disease in the future. According to this study, sitting in traffic for an hour can raise your blood pressure so much that it affects you the next day. This could be due to PM 2.5 particles, which are so minute that they mingle with the blood.

According to the findings of this study, air pollution can result in several losses. As a result, we must exercise prudence when venturing out. Please tell us how we may protect ourselves from pollutants while on the road.

How to prevent the Air Pollution on traffic

Make use of a mask

When going out, wearing a N95 mask can provide significant protection from air pollution. Wear a mask even if you are driving your own car because pollution might infiltrate your vehicle and affect your health.

Set up a hepa filter

If you commute by automobile, utilize a HEPA filter. This will clear the contaminants in the air within your vehicle while also reducing health risks.

Air pollution

close the windows

Leaving the automobile window open allows filthy air from the outside to enter and make you sick. As a result, keep the automobile windows closed when driving. This reduces pollution inside the vehicle.

examine the air quality

Check the AQI of any location before visiting there. If the AQI for that location is high, try to avoid going there, but if you have no choice, go there wearing a mask.

continue to drink water

Water prevents the mucus layer in your throat from becoming overly thick. As a result, there is no difficulty breathing. As a result, maintain hydration by drinking plenty of water. This protects against the harm caused by pollutants.

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